About Us
mission statement
In line with the NDGM Mission / Vision statement, the LRC envisions to be the center of information and instruction network that facilitates globally competitive resources and collections both within and beyond the walls of the LRC.
The mission of the Learning Resource Center is to serve the educational and information needs of its students, faculty and staff by:
• Providing organized access to information, resources, and services;
• Carefully selecting learning materials;
• Assisting in the development of lifelong literacy skills;
• Providing access to electronic information and resources and;
• Updating library equipment, technology and facilities.
Meet the Library Staff
Elementary School Library
Ms. Aira Mei A. Napatutan
HS Library Office Assistant

Ms. Lily Rose V. Ramos
Elementary School Librarian
High School Library
Elementary School Library

Mr. Nolan M. Macasa
IMS Office Assistant
Ms. Iolana Sebastienne Bayle
Library Assistant
Mr. Lance Galen C. Sanchez
High School Librarian

Mrs. Marites T. Cañete
Learning Resource Center Coordinator